

UNDP/UNDESA: Conducted a management audit of micro-credit project designed to facilitate the reinsertion of Liberians into communities following seven years of armed conflict (January - February 1999) (UNDP funding)

Strategic plan for Liberia’s Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy; An institutional assessment of the Ministry and the determination of prioritized actions required over a 3-year period to strengthen it. (UNDP funded, 2000)

UNDP/Liberia: Serve as member of a team of international consultants assessing the poverty situation in Liberia. The study produced the Poverty Profile of Liberia, which remains the most credible piece of information on the depth and scope of poverty in the Liberian population. (July - November 2000) (UNDP funding)

A Salary Structure and Condition of Service Study; a comprehensive salary survey of eight comparable international NGOs operating in Liberia; findings led to the development of an objective grading system, salary structure and conditions of service for World Vision Liberia; (Funded by World Vision Liberia, 2004)

Designed and conducted the Monrovia Baseline Survey, a research to collect process and analyze baseline multi-sectoral data on the population in Monrovia and its suburban communities. (EU funding) [Study was at the date processing stage but aborted when factional fighting erupted in April 1996 in Monrovia.]

Comprehensive management audit including a review of management systems at the National Drug Service (1996) (EU funding)

Cost Sharing Baseline Study; Designed and conducted a baseline survey in six counties of Liberia to determine the ability and willingness of the population to share the cost of drugs and medical supplies; study was an element of a planning exercise leading to the re-introduction of a cost sharing scheme by the National Drug Service. (EU funded, 2000)

Institutional Evaluation of the Association of Evangelicals of Liberia (AEL); Assignment entailed a participatory and holistic review of the Association, its mission, objectives, structure, human resources and planning functions; Report has formed the basis for commissioning of a strategic planning workshop to begin the process of institutional strengthening. (Funded by TearFund and AEL, 2003)

Institutional Strengthening of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center; study covered a thorough review and strengthening of: (i) the organizational structure of the Center; (ii) the fees structure; (iii) the structure of the incentive system for staff; (iv) the billing and collection system; (v) material management system (vi) intramural (private) practice scheme at the Center. (Funded under Taiwanese Grant Program, 2002)

Challenges and Opportunities for Fulfilling the Rights of Children in War-Torn Liberia: A Situation Analysis. A multi-sectoral baseline study of the situation of children and women in Liberia. (UNICEF, 1999/2000)

A participatory evaluation process of the OFDA-funded primary health care project of the Christian Health Association of Liberia. (CRS funding)

Fondation Hirondell: Designed and implemented an audience survey of radio listeners within the catchment area of Star Radio (January - June 1999) (Fondation Hirondell funding)

Evaluation of War Affected Youth Project operated by local non-governmental organizations (1998) (UNICEF funding)

World Health Organization: Evaluation of Liberia’s Health Sector as a basis of planning for the delivery of health services throughout the country (1997) (WHO funding)

Conducted an assessment of UNICEF’s Micro Credit Project that was implement by a Liberian Women’s Group under its Abused Women and Girls Project (AWAG) (UNICEF funding)

Post-conflict rehabilitation needs of Liberia; assessment was to serve as the basis of the Bank=s resumption of programs in Liberia, but those prospects were compromised when the armed conflict flared in 1992 (ADB funding)

Poultry rehabilitation study for the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) as part of a strategy to recover millions of dollars tied-up in the industry. (1987) (EIB funding)

Organizational study for the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The study rationalized the structure of the Ministry and mapped out a plan of support of its national health strategy of primary health care and decentralization of health services delivery. (1985) (World Bank funding)

Undertook an impact assessment of the US$21 million USAID funded Monrovia Consolidated School System; study provided valuable lessons for future USAID funding to Liberia (USAID funding)

Conducted Health Facility Assessment of twenty-five health facilities in two regions in Liberia for Africare (Africare funding)

Undertook a diagnostic assessment of JFK Memorial Center, Liberia’s foremost medical, research and teaching hospital; study confirmed gross incapacities and inefficiencies in Management structures, systems and practices and proposed urgent reforms (UNDP funding)

Diagnostic assessment of Phebe Hospital, a rural regional referral hospital in central Liberia; study covered all aspects of Phebe’s operations and developed phased (short, medium and long term) post-war rehabilitation program (Lutheran World Federation funding)

Donor Marketing Documentation for post-war rehabilitation of the National Port Authority (National Port Authority funding)
Capacity Building Management Study of the National Port Authority (UNDP funding)
Inventory of Liberia’s Health Sector Non-Governmental Organizations (WHO funding)

Management and Organization Study of Liberia’s Agricultural Cooperative Development Bank; study facilitated institutional strengthening of the Bank and enhanced lending and better supervision of credits to local farmers nationwide (World Bank funding) Evaluation of the Christian Health Association of Liberia Community Based Rehabilitation Project; (CHAL funding)

Evaluation of the Christian Health Association of Liberia Family Life Project (CHAL funding)