[Organizational Development]

Organization Development


We bring to the work place an ongoing process of practice supported by theory on how to effectively implement change in the operation of an organization. Our OD interventions are action oriented and they begin with a careful organization-wide analysis of the current situation and of the future requirements, and employs techniques of behavioral science such as modeling, sensitivity training and transactional analysis.

The goal of our application is to enable our clients to adopt better to the fast-changing external environments of new markets, regulations and technology.


  • Development of a Business Plan with a financial model to support an application for investment incentives from the Government of Liberia to establish a U$120 million palm oil refinery Fouani Brothers Corporation 2019


  • Undertook a diagnostic assessment of JFK Memorial Center, Liberia’s foremost medical, research and teaching hospital; study confirmed gross incapacities and inefficiencies in Management structures, systems and practices and proposed urgent reforms (UNDP funding) Year??
  • Development of Business Plan – An intervention with Lee Group Limited to develop a comprehensive business plan for production of rubber materials in rural Liberia drawing on a network of local smallholder rubber farmers. Lee Group Ltd. 2008.


  • Governance Structuring & Training – Design of manuals for board and management and using those instruments as the basis for training at six organizations; study commissioned by WUDARBO and sponsored by the African Development Fund USADF; 2007


  • Management Capacity Building workshop for Water and Sanitation Staff in Grand Cape Mount County; sponsored by OXFAM-GB Liberia Program; 2001


  • Strategic plan for Liberia’s Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy; An institutional assessment of the Ministry and the determination of prioritized actions required over a 3-year period to strengthen it. (UNDP funded, 2000)
  • Capacity Building Management Study of the National Port Authority (UNDP funding); A planning document meant for discussions with donors and potential partners for an institutional strengthening program at the Authority in all its affiliated ports of entry. 1997


  • Organizational study for the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The study rationalized the structure of the Ministry and mapped out a plan of support of its national health strategy of primary health care and decentralization of health services delivery. (1985) (World Bank funding)


  • Management and Organization Study of Liberia’s Agricultural Cooperative Development Bank; study facilitated institutional strengthening of the Bank and enhanced lending and better supervision of credits to local farmers nationwide (1988) (World Bank funding)

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