[Human Resources Management]

HRM – including HR Administration and recruitment


We have gained the experience of getting involved in the management of the workforce of any organization to the extent of attracting, selecting, training assessing and rewarding employees. We have the capacity to provide oversight for organizational leadership and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. Our focus is to work with clients in ensuring that they have the right policies governing workers and ensuring that they have processes and programs that are touched by people with whom they work.

Our overarching concern is to help integrate people into the overall strategic practice of organization in which they are placed.


  • United Bank of Africa, a leading banking institution in Africa, commissioned SBA through its Liberia subsidiary to recruit a slate of top and middle level management staff for branches throughout the country and the sub region. Recruitment has been carried out with advertisement being run through the local print media


  • The National Port Authority (NPA) through the Port Sector Reform Secretariat conducted an executive search and recruitment of top executives in support of the Authority’s transition from the conventional port management to a landlord system. The search was conducted locally and internationally using the print media and the internet.


  • Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) is the World Bank-USAID supported project to facilitate the reinsertion of Liberians into communities following years of armed conflict. At the inception of the project the sponsors commissioned Subah-Belleh to organize and manage the recruitment of the entire slate of top and middle level managers of the project. The search process involved running announcements both locally and internationally in the media and in professional websites. Interviews were conducted in person and through conference calls for candidates residing abroad (US, UK and Southern Africa). 2005,


  • Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) is Liberia’s premiere agriculture research institute. It is in Central Liberia occupying hundreds of acres of farmland dedicated to it by the Government and people of Liberia. Like other institutions in the country, its facilities were destroyed during the war. In 2006, the Government of Liberia undertook the resuscitation of CARI, a major component of which was the identification and recruitment of personnel at all levels of the institute.


  • Family Planning Association of Liberia (FPAL) encountered organization and management problems that necessitated the parent organization to declare all staff redundant. In the restructuring of the organization in 2005, Subah-Belleh was hired to manage the recruitment considering a transformed organization. Job descriptions were reviewed, advertisements carried in the local dailies, applications vetted, and interviews conducted by a panel which included a representative of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, FPAL’s parent body.


  • Executive Recruitment: Mercy Corps Liberia, Conducted recruitment of professional Liberians for top three executive positions of a World Bank funded Social Trust Fund Project. The search process entailed running vacancy notices in local newspapers and on various websites, conducting reference checks and then interviewing the short-listed candidates. June–July 2004.

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