We are engaged in the planning and guiding the execution of deliberate changes to the structures and processes of the public sector and its supporting institutions with the aim of getting them to perform better and be of service to the public and businesses. Structural change may include merging or restructuring organizations while process change may include redesigning systems, setting quality standards, and focusing on capacity-enhancement.
- To Undertake a Corporate Restructuring Exercise at the Liberia Petroleum Refinery Cooperation (LPRC) which is inclusive of the development of a five-year Strategic Plan Development, Review of current situation at the entity, rationalize current staffing patterns, review existing pay and benefits arrangements, exact job specifications, assess staff training needs, and develop the procedures and practices on recruitment. 2011
- Civil Service Capacity Building (CISCAB): An institutional strengthening project meant to instill reforms in Liberia’s civil service through the Civil Service Agency, Institute of Public Administration and the Governance Commission. The study was funded by DfID and was undertaken by Subah-Belleh Associates and Adam Smith Institution of UK. 2007 – 2010.
- Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment Program (LASIP): Designing a Five-Year Comprehensive Investment Plan which provides a road map to achieving the vision for an agricultural sector led growth and development consistent with Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program. Ministry of Agriculture & USAID/Liberia. 2010
- Institutional Strengthening of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center; study covered a thorough review and strengthening of: (i) the organizational structure of the Center; (ii) the fees structure; (iii) the structure of the incentive system for staff; (iv) the billing and collection system; (v) material management system (vi) intramural (private) practice scheme at the Center. (Funded under the Taiwanese Grant Program, 2002)